The end of the year is here and after reading countless best of and countdown lists I found an opportunity to create my own. I realized a long time ago that most of my bookmarks were to GitHub projects. At that point, I stopped creating GitHub bookmarks and started starring projects. I accumulate a lot of great projects. Some of them seem awesome when I am introduced them, but over time I realize it's very unlikely I will ever actually use them. My idea to create an end of year list provided me the opportunity to go through my list of starred items for the year. These are the projects that survived the cut in the order I found them oldest first.

  • dropzone - Lightweight Javascript library that turns an HTML element into a drag and drop upload location
  • mango - Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver, optimized for use with the Mojolicious real-time web framework
  • LogCat - Android adb logcat view for OS X
  • ModernWeb - Widget that encourages users to upgrade their crappy browser
  • linuxgems - Great Linux commands cheat sheet useful for noobs and pros alike
  • git-code-review - track changes to your project to make code reviews easier
  • know-your-http - HTTP protocol posters
  • intern - code testing stack for Javascript
  • Contenticious - simple way to build a pretty simple website from Markdown
  • Android-AnnotatedSQL - Android library for auto generating SQL schema and Content provider
  • ActionBar-PullToRefresh - pull-to-refresh interaction for Android
  • ion - Android Asynchronous Networking Made Easy
  • keep-up-to-date - the web developers guide on how to keep up to date on Front-end Technologies
  • Effeckt.css - UI-less, performant transitions & animations
  • adapter-kit - a set of useful adapters for Android simplifies cursor, section and list adapters
  • sovereign - build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more
  • icepick - Android Instance State made easy
  • okhttp - An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications
  • retrofit - Type-safe REST client for Android and Java
  • Android-Bootstrap - Bootstrap style buttons with Font Awesome
  • android-bootstrap - the lowercase version! template/bootstrap/boilerplate application that includes tons of great open source tools and frameworks
  • cwac-masterdetail - Android Master-Detail pattern implementation with "Same UI Pattern, Fewer Moving Parts"
  • websocketd - like inetd, but for WebSockets - turn any application that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server
  • when - Linux/Unix command line utility that will run a command until a condition is met, then run another one
  • OpenEmu - Game system emulator framework for Mac OS X