I attended my first, and definitely not last, Yet Another Perl Conference [http://www.yapcna.org/yn2014/] last week. I have been interested in attending this particular conference for a very long time. The problem was I never had an employer who would take care of the bill and I use vacation as a time to not think about computers at all....
The end of the year is here and after reading countless best of and countdown lists I found an opportunity to create my own. I realized a long time ago that most of my bookmarks were to GitHub projects. At that point, I stopped creating GitHub bookmarks and started starring projects. I accumulate a lot of great projects. Some of them seem...
I watched a presentation from linux.conf.au [http://linux.conf.au/] by Paul Fenwich (@pjf) titled The Perl Renaissance [http://lanyrd.com/2013/linuxconfau/szzxt/]. He discussed some of the tools that have brought about the Perl renaissance. He pointed out a number of the new Perl tools that I have discovered since I have been writing Perl again: meta::cpan...
I decided I should write about my side projects. I came up with three good reasons why this would be beneficial: 1. motivation - writing about my projects makes me want to work on them 2. documentation - side projects can be put aside for long periods 3. ... 4. profit! (sorry) 5. exploration - the blog itself allows me to experiment with...