In my quest to make use of all my single board computers, there was one project that just needed a bit of modernization. Back in 2014, I created a Quake 3 server using a BeagleBone Black (BBB). This little machine traveled with me for quite a while, but it was taking up extra space in my already stuffed backpack and so it...
When the Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 announced they were going to have a camera port I immediately bought one along with a camera. I got the pieces, put it together, took a few pictures and forgot about it for a while. Then, The PiHut came out with their ZeroView and I got a new idea for the camera. I had been...
I have a Linux NAS that I use to back up various things around the house. One day, I was unable to log into it via SSH. After I attempted a manual restart, I was still unable to log in. So, I had to drag a mouse, keyboard and monitor out of the closet to determine what was wrong. Turns out I...
I have been using FreeNAS [] for a number of years. I was really happy with it [], but a long running problem in recent releases has made me look for an alternative. The first time I noticed a problem there was an extended power outage at my house. When the power came back on...
I got stuck with the task of extracting a large number of text strings from an old DOS program. At first I wasn't worried at all, but my optimism quickly faded when the .exe would not execute on any modern Windows installation. I followed a number of guides for compatibility mode but nothing I tried resulted in success. I decided to try...