I like to create this list at the beginning of a new year and have been doing so for a couple [https://www.doyleyoung.net/2013-favorite-github-projects/] years [https://www.doyleyoung.net/2014-favorite-github-projects/]. I find this is the perfect time for me to talk about and filter through my starred GitHub projects. The hope is that others will find something useful and my...
My domain registrar did a very sneaky thing and sent me a discount code for .ninja domains. I impulse bought doyleyoung.ninja [http://doyleyoung.ninja/] and for a while I wasn't sure what to do with it. I decided to do an all grey scale site with a time line that documents my life as a lover of technology. In keeping with...
I attended Java One 2014 in San Francisco from September 28 - October 2. This conference is huge and is just a portion of the massive Oracle OpenWorld. I did not attend any sessions on the first day due to some travel issues, but I still made the most of the four remaining days. These are the sessions I attended, a summary...
The end of the year is here and after reading countless best of and countdown lists I found an opportunity to create my own. I realized a long time ago that most of my bookmarks were to GitHub projects. At that point, I stopped creating GitHub bookmarks and started starring projects. I accumulate a lot of great projects. Some of them seem...
I finished reading Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja [http://jsninja.com/] last night. I enjoyed the book's general approach of introducing a topic, proving how it works (using a testing methodology developed in an example) and then building upon each topic after it is completely understood. It also has the best written and most complete description of JavaScript's scoping I have ever...