The end of the year is here and after reading countless best of and countdown lists I found an opportunity to create my own. I realized a long time ago that most of my bookmarks were to GitHub projects. At that point, I stopped creating GitHub bookmarks and started starring projects. I accumulate a lot of great projects. Some of them seem...
I attended AnDevCon [] last week and came away with a treasure trove of awesome information and projects. My favorite find was GenyMotion [] which is a fast Android emulator. No really, it is a fast Android emulator. It starts up quickly, it responds to touchs quickly and it has a set of useful actions available...
I have been using The Grinder [] to load test a network application I am writing at work. It is easy to set up and does it's job well. It also produces useful statistics that I had been converting to csv and importing into spreadsheets to analyze. Today, I came across Grinder Analyzer []...