I like to create this list at the beginning of a new year and have been doing so for a couple [https://www.doyleyoung.net/2013-favorite-github-projects/] years [https://www.doyleyoung.net/2014-favorite-github-projects/]. I find this is the perfect time for me to talk about and filter through my starred GitHub projects. The hope is that others will find something useful and my...
Everyone loves lists and the beginning of a new year is a perfect time for me to talk about my starred GitHub projects. I also use this as a way to filter what I have saved through the year and to only keep what I will likely use. Here's my list in the order I discovered the projects: * android-validation-komensky [https://github.com/...
My domain registrar did a very sneaky thing and sent me a discount code for .ninja domains. I impulse bought doyleyoung.ninja [http://doyleyoung.ninja/] and for a while I wasn't sure what to do with it. I decided to do an all grey scale site with a time line that documents my life as a lover of technology. In keeping with...