At $work we have started a project using Ionic [] and Ionic Native []. I didn't have any experience with it so I decided to make something fun and simple. I often play little song snippets during meetings so I decided to make a soundboard. There's a project on Github [] that...
Everyone loves lists and the beginning of a new year is a perfect time for me to talk about my starred GitHub projects. I also use this as a way to filter what I have saved through the year and to only keep what I will likely use. Here's my list in the order I discovered the projects: * android-validation-komensky [
The end of the year is here and after reading countless best of and countdown lists I found an opportunity to create my own. I realized a long time ago that most of my bookmarks were to GitHub projects. At that point, I stopped creating GitHub bookmarks and started starring projects. I accumulate a lot of great projects. Some of them seem...
I attended AnDevCon [] last week and came away with a treasure trove of awesome information and projects. My favorite find was GenyMotion [] which is a fast Android emulator. No really, it is a fast Android emulator. It starts up quickly, it responds to touchs quickly and it has a set of useful actions available...
I just registered to attend AnDevCon [] from November 12th - 15th. I attended their first conference in March 2011 and really enjoyed the experience. It was very useful at that point in time because good Android information was still hard to come by. I am hoping that this time around the conference will be...