I started today with grand plans of setting up a nice, secure email server complete with spam filtering, virus scanning, and solid validation to keep me off the spammer lists. I researched various sources of information, created a plan and began working toward email nirvana. The whole purpose of this endeavor was to receive a single email, for my SSL certificate renewal,...
I found this awesome service [https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html] provided by Qualsys SSL Labs. I had done a fair amount of research into strong SSL configuration after Heartbleed [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbleed], POODLE [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POODLE], etc. so I was very interested to see how my system would perform. My server did very well...
I have been using FreeNAS [http://www.freenas.org/] for a number of years. I was really happy with it [https://www.doyleyoung.net/freenas/], but a long running problem in recent releases has made me look for an alternative. The first time I noticed a problem there was an extended power outage at my house. When the power came back on...
My domain registrar did a very sneaky thing and sent me a discount code for .ninja domains. I impulse bought doyleyoung.ninja [http://doyleyoung.ninja/] and for a while I wasn't sure what to do with it. I decided to do an all grey scale site with a time line that documents my life as a lover of technology. In keeping with...
I got stuck with the task of extracting a large number of text strings from an old DOS program. At first I wasn't worried at all, but my optimism quickly faded when the .exe would not execute on any modern Windows installation. I followed a number of guides for compatibility mode but nothing I tried resulted in success. I decided to try...