I like to create this list at the beginning of a new year and have been doing so for a couple [https://www.doyleyoung.net/2013-favorite-github-projects/] years [https://www.doyleyoung.net/2014-favorite-github-projects/]. I find this is the perfect time for me to talk about and filter through my starred GitHub projects. The hope is that others will find something useful and my...
I have been setting readying goals on goodreads for a few [https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/14176304-doyle?read_at=2013&utm_campaign=yearinbooks&utm_content=books_text&utm_term=20&view=covers] years [https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/14176304-doyle?read_at=2014&utm_campaign=yearinbooks&utm_content=books_text&utm_term=20&view=covers] now. For 2015, I set my...
For December, I was assigned Crypt::OpenSSL::VerifyX509 which is a simple verify-cert module, in XS. It provides certificate verification, along the lines of "openssl verify". The module itself is very small and I was unable to find a TODO or any obvious functionality improvements, but I noticed there were a few changes that could improve the kwalitee report. So, I pulled...
For November, I was assigned App::autotest [https://metacpan.org/pod/App::autotest] which is a program that monitors your tests and runs them whenever they are updated or created. The GitHub repo [https://github.com/glauschwuffel/perl5-App-autotest] had a number of existing issues and I chose the one that seemed to be the most devastating -> program crashes horribly if test...
I started today with grand plans of setting up a nice, secure email server complete with spam filtering, virus scanning, and solid validation to keep me off the spammer lists. I researched various sources of information, created a plan and began working toward email nirvana. The whole purpose of this endeavor was to receive a single email, for my SSL certificate renewal,...