Everyone loves lists and the beginning of a new year is a perfect time for me to talk about my starred GitHub projects. I also use this as a way to filter what I have saved through the year and to only keep what I will likely use. Here's my list in the order I discovered the projects:
- android-validation-komensky - annotation based form validation for Android
- Android Image Resizer - Tool for resizing Android images for various screens
- Timber - Jake Wharton's handy library that enhances Android logging
- fasd - handy command line productivity booster
- Cortx - easy to use test client for REST clients
- Alcatraz - Package manager for Xcode
- toadfarm - run multiple Mojolicious apps within a single hypnotoad server
- Dyna Filter - dynamic object filtering for JSON serialization
- Android DbInspector - View in app database on debug builds
- Discreet App Rate - non intrusive app rating request
- Papers We Love - list of Computer Science papers created by the Papers We Love community
- GitHub Cheat Sheet - exactly what the name says
- Awesome Go - A curated listed of Go frameworks, libraries and software
- ioquake3 - community driven Quake III Arena
- Immutable.js - Immutable, persistent data collections for Javascript
- Zeal - simple API documentation browser for Linux (inspired by Dash on OS X)
- RxJava - reactive extensions for the JVM
- Critical - extract and inline critical path CSS in HTML
- Cola - JUnit based BDD testing framework
- Perl-Critic-Jed - Perl Critic web interface